happy man
JoinedTopics Started by happy man
Bush is he crazy?
by happy man inwhat happend inn the word now?.
us is the word police doing what they want, putting peopel in prision and bombing innocent peopel,.
and yesterday he come upp widh a crazy idea that other countrys must pay tax on 30% iff they want to sell steel to us, and what will happend, europe must akt inn the same way, perhaps 30% on evry car imported from us, i must say i think this man is a dissaster for us.
Are JW unik ?
by happy man inis it any more religions on earth who have over 6 million members, and who not are taking a part inn war, and not take part inn politics .
, some say we have more , but i dont find anyone who is inn almost evry country on this earth, it can not be easy to lead this peopel, some here complain very much, but if you will lead 6 millions you will se it is not easy.. if i compere widh other organisations who i now, the problem are minimal.
we can see a clear thing today, evrything is breaking upp, .
how many JW on this site
by happy man inthe name of the site, jehovas vittness.com?.
well sure we must have permission to say what we fell here, cant understan that ex say that this is ther site,.
havent they red the heading.
Any answer from amaizing?
by happy man ini send some qestions too a down on this side, i can not get inn to check the answer, think my computoer is to littet power when it is so many spells.. please put your answer inn a new topic so i can read it.. to this peopel who wonder why i am writing here, is i the only one, now,.
i am not afrid, my wxpiriens is that we are told to not talk too peopel who leave us, but it is not forbidden, only not so good for your spirit.. that my wuie.. and i think it is very important that some balanse things telling here, you tell you expiriens, i tell my, and this who are inn here have a more balansd pickture, i hope.. i give one proposal on unother site for ex jw, that betel must start one our or two to examine internet, and exjwsits, it is very learnig too see where the problem is, perhaps it is more easy to solv if they doo like this.. but i must say i am very dissapointed that not anyone try too answer the qestions i ask, only tell who bad brain i have.. ican tell you that i have my one firm widh 7 people working for mee, so i can not bee so bad inn the head.
Qestions too Amaizing
by happy man inwhy have you only negative things too say, wee all now that it is a lot of positive things too say abaout jw, the only religion who say no to war, and give there lifes for it too.. the bibel say one peopel who come out from all this mess, and stad for the name of the ord, who else do this?.
noe here i can read, from a wery famus apostate, rw that it is okey to go out killing our brother,and as we all now many us menn have give there life for defenswar?
as in wietnam , and son inn irak , on the sweed news today, son us attack irak.. wake upp peopel here, dont bee a part of these terribel things going on now, dont bee like kain who kild his brother.. jesus say love even you anemy.
dogpatchs new religion?
by happy man ini have reade some of you agressiv atacks on jw, and i have a qestion to you, what are your new religion, .
and what are your religion say to you about going auot inn war, and what did it say about where you come where you die.
Qestions too US peopel
by happy man inwhen we in sweden read about so much terribel things happend in us, for exampel all this killing and massakers,.
and scandals, as now in enron bussiness, i read that one boss killd himself, it is perhaps a new wartegate scandal.. then when i see all this movies widh a lot of killing and other terribel things, as been send all overer the word from hollywood,.
can you not understand that some peopel see this as a poison , , if i then look what us military done, inn irak, and other places, killing innocent peopel, i think you goverment show one face at home , and other face inn for exampel the 3 word.. if i say if your presidint shows upp to bee involvd inn this mess inn enron , what do you say, as talk so much of jw as bad peopel, .
Who is realy Brainwashd ?
by happy man ini read a lot her that jw is brainwashd, and some of you make a bigg point aout of this, i dont agree, i think we can think ourselfs you put youself on high placese when you say this, i think we must acept what other peopel think and dont say they are dummis or something like that, who no the truth, perhaps you all have wrong, something to think abaout when you put out your very high complianing.. i can give you one link too see who realy is brainwashd, it is you peopel here, you as say good bless us, read and think,.
These who realy can complain
by happy man ini see so much overeaktion on this site, when it comes to complain to jw, evry littel thing you can find you blow upp to very bigg thing.. i want you americans too look at this link, there you will see peopel who realy is badley treted, and have very bigg reason.
to complain too what happend.
when you see the pictures, i think all this as you talk abaout here as important is just dust.. http://hosting.menanet.net/~hab/hab/
hunting mouses and swallow elephants
by happy man ini must say when i read this side for a few month, it is something i dont understand, why is evry thing who smal it is blowing upp and putt out here as a bigg sinn.
if we compare what is important, who was killing ech other inn 2 wordwar, yes, inn the hart of christianity,.
who was a part of all killing inn ruwanda and former yougoslavia, yes, religion as catolic, musslim, grrek otodox and some more, have a very bigg responsiality, million of peopel was killd inn this mess, priests was blessing on both sides.. wat the bilbel sais is clear, dont bee like kain who killd his brother, and you must love even your animy,.